Prelude Blog
Top Challenges with Network Management Network management encompasses many different areas, including performance management, fault identification, network provisioning and maintaining the quality of service. As the size and complexity of networks grow through new technologies, network managers are facing new challenges. Today, networks must handle more traffic moving in more directions from more devices. While each new…
The Future of Network Management Network scope and shape have been quickly evolving for the past several years, and changes continue to accelerate as new technologies emerge. With the modern reliance on mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT), network organization and security are leagues different from what they were even a decade ago. To help businesses prepare for the future of network security…
How Nonprofits Benefit From Managed Service Providers While technology can be vital for nonprofits, organizational leaders must have software expertise and solutions. Many nonprofit employees wear several hats and may lack the IT expertise to handle troubleshooting and other technical aspects. With today’s ever-changing technology solutions, nonprofits must have a knowledgeable team to help the…
How to Defend Against Smishing Attacks Healthcare data has significant value for hackers, and older adult care is one of the most targeted industries. Hackers use personal data to access patient healthcare information, create false identities, commit insurance fraud or obtain free medical treatment. Knowing how to prevent smishing attacks is crucial to protect patients and…
Service Desk vs. Help Desk Understanding the difference between a service desk and a help desk can help your nursing home or senior living center find better ways to support customers and clients. Whether you want to provide support with IT issues or fix an immediate problem for a client, reaching out to customers effectively…
How to Protect Health Information in a Senior Living Center Senior living centers must protect information regarding patients’ medical records, prescriptions, diagnoses and medical history. Most of this information is private and sensitive, making it essential to protect it from potential hackers or cyberattacks. Learning about the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), its…
IT Services for Post-Acute Care When caring for older adults, post-acute care is a reality. More than 40% of Medicare beneficiaries are discharged to post-acute facilities — an essential step in their recovery. The post-acute care programs’ efficacy dictates patient health outcomes in many ways, so IT services and post-acute care go hand in hand. Access to…